SYSAUX Tablespace Filling , Cause: WRI$_ADV_TASKS filled with AUTO__STATS_ADVISOR_TASK
SYSAUX Tablespace Cleanup The SYSAUX tablespace might fill up with records from advisor tasks. Use the following steps to identify and resolve the issue. Step 1: Check SYSAUX Usage SELECT OCCUPANT_NAME, SPACE_USAGE_KBYTES FROM V$SYSAUX_OCCUPANTS ORDER BY SPACE_USAGE_KBYTES DESC; SELECT TASK_NAME, COUNT(*) CNT FROM DBA_ADVISOR_OBJECTS GROUP BY TASK_NAME ORDER BY CNT DESC; Step 2: Backup and Clean Up If the record numbers are too large, directly deleting from WRI$_ADV_TASKS can impact the UNDO tablespace. Follow these steps: Check rows in WRI$_ADV_OBJECTS not related to Auto Stats Advisor Task: SELECT * FROM WRI$_ADV_OBJECTS WHERE TASK_ID != (SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM WRI$_ADV_TASKS WHERE NAME='AUTO_STATS_ADVISOR_TASK'); Create a backup table: CREATE TABLE WRI$_ADV_OBJECTS_...