Restore Single Database from Backup Files Which Are Taken by Pg_Dumpall
Normally, you can't restore a single database from a cluster backup that are taken via pg_dumpall.In order to achieve that, you can follow the steps below: 1- Create a script that greps specific database portion of the dump: # ! / bin / bash [ $# - lt 2 ] && { echo "Usage: $0 <postgresql dump> <dbname>"; exit 1 ; } sed "/connect.*$2/,\$!d" $ 1 | sed "/PostgreSQL database dump complete/,\$d" 2- Extract the portion via example command below: sh full_dump.dmp MY_DATABASE > onlyonedatabase.dmp 3- You may restore and test if it worked if you want: psql -p <portnumber> -d MY_DATABASE < onlyonedatabase.dmp