Practical RMAN Restore Scenario For Linux on Different Server
Practical RMAN Restore Guide Practical RMAN Restore Guide This quick guide shows how to restore and relocate an Oracle database via RMAN. We’ll assume you want all datafiles in a new folder ( /newpath instead of /oldpath ), and possibly handle redo logs in a new location as well. 1. Copy RMAN Backups to the New Server mkdir -p /u01/backup/test_restore cp /oldserver/backups/*.bkp /u01/backup/test_restore Explanation: Make sure you copy all backup pieces (datafiles, control file, SPFILE, archivelogs) to a directory the new server can access. 2. Start with a Minimal PFILE in NOMOUNT sqlplus / as sysdba -- Create or use a small init file: STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE='/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/dbs/initMYDB.ora'; Explanation: You can’t restore the control file or SPFILE unless the instance is NOMOUNT. 3. Restore the Control File & Mount the Database rman target / RESTORE CONTROLFILE FROM '/u01/bac...