Upgrading Password Encryption from Md5 to Scram-sha-256 in a Postgresql Database
Check if application db drivers (e.g. postgresql jdbc ) support scram method. If not, replace with the newer version. In addition, Postgresql version should be above 10.0 . Uncomment password_encyrption line if commented, and then set it to scram-sha-256. It should look like below: password_encryption = scram-sha-256 All passwords in database should be re-entered so they can be encrypted with new method. Before going further, check if all roles are encrypted with scram-sha-256 via running the query below: select * from pg_authid; In order to disable logins of users with md5 encryption, pg_hba.conf also should be edited. Example entries are as below: # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD host all all ...