Upgrading PostgreSQL can be a smooth process if you follow the necessary steps carefully. Below is a comprehensive guide to help you through the upgrade.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Install the New PostgreSQL Version
  3. Set Up New Directories and Permissions
  4. Initialize the New Database
  5. Configure PostgreSQL Settings
  6. Stop and Disable Old PostgreSQL Services
  7. Run the Upgrade Process
  8. Finalize the Upgrade
  9. Post-Upgrade Tasks


Before initiating the upgrade, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Internet Connection: Required for downloading packages.
  • PostgreSQL RPM Packages: Necessary for installation.
  • Free Disk Space: Ensure you have more free space than the current database size.
  • Compatibility Checks: Verify PostgreSQL extension compatibility.
  • Crontab Jobs: Identify any cron jobs related to PostgreSQL.

Note: Skipping these checks may result in errors during the upgrade process.

Install the New PostgreSQL Version

Use the yum command to install the new PostgreSQL version:

[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# yum install postgresql14-server

Set Up New Directories and Permissions

Create new directories and set the appropriate permissions:

[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# mkdir -p /pgdata/14/data
[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# chown postgres.postgres -R /pgdata/14
[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# chmod 0700 -R /pgdata/14

Note: Creating your own folder is optional but recommended for better organization.

Initialize the New Database

Switch to the postgres user and initialize the database in the new location:

[postgres@desktop-e53bh56 ~]$ /usr/pgsql-14/bin/initdb -D /pgdata/14/data

Configure PostgreSQL Settings

Edit the postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf files to migrate your old configurations to the new version. Additionally, review any new features introduced in the upgraded version.

Stop and Disable Old PostgreSQL Services

Before proceeding, stop and disable the services of the old PostgreSQL version:

[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# systemctl stop postgresql-12.service
[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# systemctl disable postgresql-12.service

Run the Upgrade Process

Execute the pg_upgrade command with the appropriate parameters:

[postgres@desktop-e53bh56 ~]$ /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_upgrade \
  --old-datadir=/pgdata/12/data \
  --new-datadir=/pgdata/14/data \
  --old-bindir=/usr/pgsql-12/bin \
  --new-bindir=/usr/pgsql-14/bin \
  --old-options -v

Parameters Explained:

  • --old-datadir: Path to the old data directory.
  • --new-datadir: Path to the new data directory.
  • --old-bindir: Path to the old PostgreSQL binaries.
  • --new-bindir: Path to the new PostgreSQL binaries.
  • --old-options: Additional options for the old binaries.
  • -v: Verbose output.

Tip: Monitor the upgrade process for any errors.

Finalize the Upgrade

Update the service file to ensure the new version uses the correct data directory:

[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql-14.service

Update the PGDATA environment variable:


Reload the daemon and start the new service:

[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# systemctl daemon-reload 
[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# systemctl start postgresql-14.service
[root@desktop-e53bh56 ~]# systemctl enable postgresql-14.service

Post-Upgrade Tasks

After successfully upgrading, execute any recommended scripts:

  • Update Extensions: Ensure all PostgreSQL extensions are up-to-date.
  • Vacuum Database: Run vacuumdb to analyze and clean the database.


[postgres@desktop-e53bh56 ~]$ vacuumdb --all --analyze


Upgrading PostgreSQL involves several critical steps, from preparing your environment to finalizing the new setup. By following this guide meticulously, you can ensure a seamless transition to the latest PostgreSQL version.


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